What most renters don’t realize is within minutes everything you own can be gone, electronics, computers, laptops, phones, I Pads, video games, jewelry, clothes and furniture. In the event of a fire, theft, or other disaster, while property insurance will cover structure loss, it will not cover replacement of your prize possessions.
Personal liability Coverage is also included to satisfy legal state minimums to the landlords property. Medical costs for persons injured on the premises, when they don’t reside in the property. In addition, you’re covered for unintentional acts on or off the premises. If you can’t live in the home after a covered loss, typically a Renters insurance policy will cover costs of living in a hotel, meals and clothing.
This is a small cost to pay for all it can provide. While policy types and premium costs vary according to your personal needs, most renters insurance policies are extremely affordable, ranging from $12-$25 a month. This is a minimal investment to know you are covered in the event of an emergency.
Talk to your agent about all the benefits having renters insurance provides. Be sure the adequate levels purchased are sufficient. Many companies offer convenient payment options and you may even qualify for a discount if you bundle your policy with your auto.
NancyOHomes LLC.
12613 NE Hwy 99
Vancouver, WA 98686
Ph: (360) 953-8280
Fax: (360) 574-7909
Email: nancyohomes@comcast.net
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday: By appointment only